It's Not Too Late. 9/11*

Well, today is the 14th Anniversary of a day that I know none of us can ever forget. It was absolutely a horrible, sad, sickening day all across, not only America, but also the whole world. Fear hit hard that day, and we were all absolutely shocked. I hate this day so badly for the families who are still grieving for their lost loved ones and for the responders and the victims who are still trying to recover and stay alive. I hope they can feel all of the prayers that I know many of us are sending up for them, especially today. 

I do not want to recount all of my bad memories I have from 9/11. From watching the news in my 7th grade Spanish classroom to the moment my mom came to pick me up from school so she could explain to me herself exactly what was happening, and so I wouldn’t have to be scared…

I want to look back on that day and I want to tell you that I woke up that morning, and it was a beautiful day. It always seems like September 11th is a wonderful day for weather. It’s just starting to get a little chill in the air, and the sky is always so clear. I’m sure I was dreading school and being short and snappy, because I was always a brat in the mornings. I don’t remember all the moments leading up to hearing the news, but I know that in my classroom there were at least a handful of people that I didn’t get along with and they certainly didn’t like me either. I remember when our teacher told us what’s happening and turned the TV on CNN, every bit of hate or meaningless drama or bullying completely left that room. It seriously evaporated, it was kind of eery. We all sat there in silence, and when the bell rang to go to the next class, we all stood shoulder to shoulder and we couldn’t have cared less if we were touching someone we didn’t like. We glanced up at those people we'd had issues with all year, and we gave them a smile. I don’t think that the true gravity of it all had hit us, but we knew this was something we needed to stand together for. Once I got home and watched the news with my mom and sister, I remember seeing all the outpouring love from the people in New York, around the ruble, covered in ashes just clinging to each other. Skin color meant nothing on that day. Religious views meant nothing on that day. Political affiliations meant nothing on that day. Sexual orientation meant nothing on that day. We were America and we were standing together. Out of something so tragic and horrific came a huge outpouring of love, understanding, and unity. Our neighbors, families, friends, coworkers, police officers, firemen, doctors, nurses, servicemen/women, and teachers...they meant everything to us that day.

"If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate." -Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot, Jason Dahl

Look at us today, 14 years later, compared to how we were then. Are we really doing these victims and their families any justice by tearing each other apart? Why are we so busy with attacking each other, and forgetting to stand together as a nation EVERY DAY? Not just on 9/11, but every single day. We could be so much further ahead than we are now if we would have kept that love and unity going strong from 2001 until now. But it’s not too late! It’s never too late to start over again and throw the hate away and let the whole nation be overcome with love, unity, and pride all over again. That’s my prayer today. That we can all find the good sense, and the forgiveness in our hearts to move forward, come together, and stand as one for all of those 2,977 people who can no longer stand here with us. It’s not too late.


All my love,
Paige xo

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